September Greetings


     It’s been a while since I’ve written informally…….not that I didn’t have the time having been semi house-bound with the pandemic…..BUT more because INERTIA came to visit!  She can be a troublesome houseguest in that she only wants to sit around, watch tv, read, or eat.  This ultimately gives her reinforcement & an excuse to stay longer!  HEAVEN FORBID!
     It’s been a tough six months for all of us on the planet, dealing with whatever form of inertia, (depression, anxiety, anger, spacing out), we’re experiencing.  For me, it’s all of the above…and it has led me to look inward for solace & comfort, rearranging my daily schedule, activities, and entire life.
        AHA! One of those moments when I see clearly that exercise is really helpful…so instead of going to Pilates class, I’m doing zoom mat Pilates.  That doesn’t always seem like enough so how about walking?  Another AHA!  Can’t do that because my knee is still gamey from falling off the porch last year!  The truth is my life is filled with zooms:  pilates, board meetings, women’s meetings, zooming with family, friends, doctors, physical therapists. AND PHYLLIS CLARK DESIGNS is now on CURATE INTERNATIONAL’S VIRTUAL SHOW.  Liz & I have done several zoom specials featuring our collection & several ideas for wearing them.  Of course you are going to have to overlook the “gracefully”? aging model, but you have to admit, they do have SPUNK!

AHA!  I’ll take SPUNK  any day because it gets rid of INERTIA who has grossly overstayed her welcome.

Here are some links to our zooms.  Hope they help you.

I’d love to hear from you regarding your methods of killing INERTIA.  Please feel free to write back.     
’Til next Covid 19 October month!  Cheers!
